XGC-A08/A09: testing changes in the code that related to problems with particle density evolution

Two input files are generated based on XGC-A07 input file: (1) XGC-A08: same equilibrium and same input file, but older version of the code; (2) XGC-A09: same equilibrium, newer version of the code, but older version of the flow shear suppression model. Left panels show results for the case XGC-A08 and right panels show results for the caseXGC-A09

Results clearly indicated that the problem  has been introduced during the recent merge with the svn repository.

XGC-A07: new equilibrium and updated version of the code

The FMCFM changes has been synchronized with the version of the XGC-0 code from the svn repository. Gunyoung committed his changes related to the impurity radial model and get_mid_r bug. Theory motivated coefficient for the flow shear suppression factor is used. The simulation uses high resolution equilibrium provided by Rich Groebner. There are significant changes in the plasma density dynamics. It is not clear if these changes relate to (1) model for flow shear suppression factor; (2) new equilibrium; (3) other changes to the code. In order to isolate the problem, two new simulations are submitted: (1) XGC-A08: same equilibrium and same input file, but older version of the code; (2) XGC-A09: same equilibrium, newer version of the code, but older version of the flow shear suppression model.

New high resolution kinetic equilibrium for the DIII-D discharge 132014.03000

Rich has sent an updated EFIT equilibrium for the DIII-D discharge 132014.03000. It has resolution of 129×129, kinetic equilibrium option enable and low EFIT error parameter. The TEQ code shows significantly lower residual in the near separatrix region as well.

Note that the plasma pressure profiles looks significantly different comparing to the lower resolution case at 3.023 sec (left figure below shows the derivate of the plasma pressure at 3.000 sec and right figure shows the derivative of the plasma pressure at 3.023 sec):

EFIT code has been run with higher resolution for the DIII-D equilibrium 132014.03023

EFIT grid has been set to 129×129, number of iterations has been increased to 50, the namelist value for error has been decreased from 1.e-3 to 1.e-4. The resulting layout looks very similar. However, the normalized beta is reduced by about 3%. Analysis with TEQ still indicates relatively high residual error near the separatrix. This error might be related to different input options that might be associated with different account for the bootstrap current. There are differences in FF’ and q profiles that might be more difficult to understand. Some of equilibrium profiles are shown below. Left column shows profiles obtained with the new EFIT (129×129) run, while the left column shows profiles obtained with the old EFIT (65×65) run.

XGC-A04: Increased particle transport in the SOL region

The particle diffusivity in the outside separatrix region has been increased from 0.05 to 0.5 m^2/sec:

tbl_D_coeff2=0.5D0     ! m^2/sec, D_turb for outside of separatrix (SOL+private flux region)

The resulting plasma density profile is identical to the profile obtained in the case XGC-A03.

This problem is likely related to a mistake in the particle diffusivity implementation in the SOL region.

XGC-A03: Gradients for initial temperature profiles in the plasma core are increased

There are two changes comparing to the case XGC-A02:

  1. Gradients for initial temperature profiles in the plasma core are increased in order to see profile change at earlier times;
  2. The parameter neu_grid_min_psi is used in the namelist and is set to 0.75 in order to extend the region where the neutral distribution is computed.